Today's industry is facing unprecedented transformation challenges. More impacted by fluctuations in global markets, companies must change their processes in order to be more agile, and above all more proactive. We are not teaching you this: it is necessary for companies to be irreproachable in managing networked fleets in order to align production with market requirements.
To do this, we are going to discuss a crucial subject in the management of its supply chain: inventory.
Having a reliable inventory: why?
Inventory is a central process because it provides a business with an overview of its business and transport capacity. Digitized and automated, inventory makes it possible to gain in efficiency, and to respect the commitments made to your customers.
However, for many players in the Supply Chain, inventories are still processes today that require a significant mobilization of resources, both material and human. How can you be sure that you have enough assets available on your loading sites to be able to fulfill future orders, while maintaining a reasonable margin of safety on the size of the fleet?
The lack of equipment at loading sites can result from the following cases, so it is essential to be able to detect them.
How do you balance your resources?
In summary, the main challenge of inventory: balance resources to ensure optimal service quality.
While the availability of equipment conditions the proper functioning of logistics, inventory imbalances appear quite quickly between factories, on flows that are for the most part complex, and long.
It is therefore necessary for operational teams to have a global inventory, providing reliable and up-to-date information.
One of the solutions to avoid these load carrier shortages is to have real-time visibility on the number of assets at each loading site by asset type.
There are a number of real-time visibility platforms on the market to overcome this problem. In fact, they make it possible to provide relevant information on possible retentions. It is then possible to adjust its internal logistics and avoid underutilization of the fleet.
Adopting a real-time visibility solution means quick gains, but you still have to choose it carefully. The reliability of the information, the technologies used, and the intelligence provided beyond the simple point on a map are all factors to take into account.
The more relevant the information, the more you save your operational teams from numerous tedious searches for additional physical information. You will then get better operational productivity and better management of your fleet. Having this information in real time allows you to be reactive to any incident or logistical discrepancy. But today, the main challenge is to be proactive...
Go from reactivity to proactivity
Our Supply Chain Visibility platform allows you to centralize real-time information on the state of your supply chain. The source of this real-time information comes from a catalog of IoT sensors that save time on physical inventories.
Go even further with predictive alerts to anticipate availability shortages. This is reflected in the configuration of min/max critical thresholds per site of interest and by type of device, then by predicting inventories over several days.
The Everysens platform therefore allows you to finely control the availability of assets and to be more proactive in the use of your equipment and their sharing between agencies.
Not certain yet? Plan a meeting with our team.