Who are your customers?
Our customers are industrial shippers working in heavy or dangerous goods sectors, such as steel, metals, construction materials, petrochemicals, automotive, agribusiness, etc.
We provide our customers with a collaborative platform that centralizes all data related to the rail freight logistics process and allows them to manage their rail transport operations in an automated and more efficient manner.
We currently operate throughout Europe with the ambition to operate all over the world ππ.
Do you integrate rail operators?
Our tool is designed for shippers and rail operators. Carriers can anticipate transport orders and shipments in advance in order to maintain a good flow of operations. Our solution provides carriers with optimized transport schedules and helps them prioritize urgent shipments.
Railway operators are fully integrated into our platform. We offer them an easy to use portal, accessible in no time, which offers complete and real-time visibility of all logistics processes. For better collaboration with shippers, the platform allows efficient planning: rail operators are in a position to accept, refuse or modify a transport request made by the shipper directly on the platform. We provide carriers with all the information they need to validate an order, such as origin, destination, departure and arrival dates and product type. The platform provides all the data needed to monitor transport operations: expected arrival time, asset tracking, maps, etc.
So far, we are in a position to integrate more than 20 rail operators.
Do you manage block trains, single wagons and intermodal transport?
At the moment, our solution makes it possible to plan, track and manage block trains and single wagons. Intermodal is taken into account on the rail part, and therefore requires the use of another TMS specialized in road freight to be fully managed.
Talk to us about your specific needs