October 26, 2021

ERCI Innovation Awards 2021: Jury's Favourite Award for Everysens

"As the only French winner, we are very proud to have received a European award from the ERCI network. This award is above all a recognition of the European railway ecosystem for the innovation that Everysens’ team brings to its customers thanks to the integration of field data on our TMS" Sabrina Meksaoui, CRO at Everysens

Tuesday, October 26, 2021, during the SIFER Expo at Lille Grand Palais, the European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI) rewarded the best European innovations in the rail sector.

The competition identifies the best innovation of large companies as well as those of SMEs. The competition also awards “Coup de cœur” prizes to other SME applications, when the jury identified particularly strong applications that deserved special recognition.

The 23 participating companies had their applications evaluated by a European jury composed of railway experts from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Spain, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Spain, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and Spain, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

The following companies received their ERCI innovation awards:

  • Better SMES : PJ Monitoring (PJM) GmbH with its innovative 'Waggon Tracker' system.
  • Better big business : Bozankaya with its innovative battery tram.
  • Jury's Favorite : Everysens alongside PantoHealth GmbH and Te.Si.Fer Srl.

Everysens offers the first transport management and visibility system (TVMS) that integrates field visibility data into your transport processes. The system allows the purchase, planning, monitoring and optimization in real time of all your Supply Chain flows on a collaborative and predictive platform.

“As the only French winner, we are very proud to have been able to obtain a European award from the ERCI network. This award is above all a recognition of the European rail innovation ecosystem that the team Everysens brings to its customers thanks to the integration of field data on our TMS” Sabrina Meksaoui, Business Development Director at Everysens.